« Convergence of a L2 regularized Policy Gradient Algorithm for the Multi Armed Bandit » at ICPR 2024

This joint work with Stefana-Lucia ANITA has been presented at the at the 27th International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR) 2024 held in Kolkata, India, Dec 1st through 5th 2024.

Talk materials:

Abstract : Although Multi Armed Bandit (MAB) on one hand and the policy gradient approach on the other hand are among the most used frameworks of Reinforcement Learning, the theoretical properties of the policy gradient algorithm used for MAB have not been given enough attention. We investigate in this work the convergence of such a procedure for the situation when a L2 regularization term is present jointly with the ‘softmax’ parametrization. We prove convergence under appropriate technical hypotheses and test numerically the procedure including situations beyond the theoretical setting. The tests show that a time dependent regularized procedure can improve over the canonical approach especially when the initial guess is far from the solution. 

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